Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It has been awhile.....

Well, I am quite the blogger. Amazing that it took almost four months to get back on here. I missed the most important part of the year, Halloween, Eva's birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, I'm back for Valentines Day! Yay! This year(maybe because it was my first with two children) the busyness of the holidays and everything else really kicked me in the butt. I'm still trying to catch up and get back on top of everything here at home. Fortunately, my loving husband and beautiful daughters have been patient with me.

Truth be told I have been spending so much time reading other peoples blogs that I have neglected my own. Thanks to my wonderful friend Jen, I have taken up the art of couponing. What a beautiful thing it is!! Any day you can get something for free or super duper cheep, is an exciting day. If anyone has any questions on how to start, please ask. Eventually when I get this blog going I'll have some great links to the blogs I've been spending all my time reading.

All that being said, I'm officially back. Goodbye neglected blog, hello happy blogger!

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