Monday, October 20, 2008

"Mommy, I have to go potty."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... What's any mother's most dreaded phrase while in the middle of shopping? Without a doubt, "Mommy, I have to go potty." While every mom pushes to get their tot on the toilet and is so quick to reward and take joy in their 'big boy/girl', there are moments where we(selfishly) wish the days of diapers were still here. Yesterday, I had one of those moments.

I was so excited to have a girls day with both my daughters (Eva almost 5 and Adleina 5 months). It was our first leisurely shopping trip in months and a sunny gorgeous day outside. After picking up some sweet smelling items at Bath and Body Works we headed next door to Pier 1. With my five year old helping push my five month old in the stroller, we just managed our way to the back corner of the store when Eva says..."Mommy, I have to go potty." Being that Eva is known to wait until the last minute and then run to the bathroom, I start to panic inside. We head toward the door as quick as possible. For anyone that's ever visited Pier1, you know that this is no easy task with a stroller. The small odd isles FILLED with breakables make even walking slowly nerve wracking(as we quickly passed a manager I think even he was nervous).

"Whew. We made it outside. Now just to get to Borders next door and to the bathroom." High tailing it as fast as the stroller would allow, we made it to the bathroom. "Alright, we're almost clear." While I covered the toilet with toilet paper(public bathroom OCD) and Eva got ready to get on, she said,"Mommy I can't hold it any longer." As I reached for her so she could make it to that one final spot, pee shot across the floor.....just missing my foot. I still put her on the toilet although futile and started wiping up the mess, thankful at least that she missed my foot. After cleaning things up I then went to assess the damage with her pants. To my amazement, her pants were completely dry. Somehow(by and act of God I think), her being bent over allowed the damage to shoot out behind her and miss her pants entirely. I was thrilled to say the least. We walked out of that bathroom as if nothing happened.

Our shopping day could have easily continued after we were saved by the crazy pee, but I was a little worn out with all the excitement. As we drove home I let Eva know I was proud of her for at least making it to the bathroom, but even prouder that she managed to save her pants(and my foot) somehow. That pee, will be one for the record books.

1 comment:

Jen L. said...

I have been there myself, the anecdote a little different, but still the same idea. Always a mad dash to the nearest facility!