Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Every Day is a WILD One

Despite the "normal" label any outsider might assign my day to day routine, it seems to be all but "normal". Each day brings its own laughs, tears, excitement and challenges. Are my days so different than any other other busy mom or woman out there? Probably not. However, I do try not to let the WILD moments outshine life's most precious simple moments. This being a hard task for any woman or mother. Through blogging I hope to focus on my blessings even more by making sense of the constant chatter running through my brain - Not to mention quiet things down so I can discover the real ME behind it all. I love my life! What better a thing to share with anyone who wishes to partake in reading my simple thoughts. Many happy writings to come......

1 comment:

Jen L. said...

Hope to see more real soon...